The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives – Draw Upon Them

By Bill Benson · Sept 7, 2023

The world is full of colorful perspectives – Draw upon them

The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives – Draw Upon Them

As a child, I loved Harold and the Purple Crayon. I recently took a few minutes to revisit Harold after all these years and found a page-turner worth passing along.

Crayon in hand, Harold sets out to create his path – but:

The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives
He sketches a shortcut because the safe path is too tedious.

Harold draws, then claims an apple tree as his own – so:

The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives
He creates a dragon to protect his possession.

Harold is startled by the monster he’s made – so:

The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives
He stumbles into a sea scribbled by his shaking hand.

Scared, wet and disoriented by the world he has created, Harold cannot find his way home. He longs to crawl under his bed’s comfortable, familiar sheets but his actions have made a different kind of bed for Harold – and he must lie in it.

Does Harold’s predicament sound familiar?

Have you impatiently cut corners instead of walking a more thoughtful path?
Have you created monsters out of greediness?
Have your emotions gotten you in way over your head?
Have you found yourself so deep in your drama that you’ve become lost?

As we close the book on Harold, he has navigated his way back to safety by relying on something outside of himself – the moon:

The World is Full of Colorful Perspectives

We, too, can rise above the daily challenges we face by setting down our self-involved scribbling. Approaching life without a need to control it allows us to draw upon a world full of colorful perspectives that will surely help get us places.

So, this month, consider dropping your one crayon and, instead, enjoy the whole box.

©1955 Harold and the Purple Crayon by Crockett Johnson

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